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The latest news and information about Jim, Judy and all of Watson & Associates.

CSUSB - James R. Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education
- Named 2022

CSUSB - Watson & Associates Literacy Center

- 2004 to Present

CSUSB - 'Eternal Learning' Mural at Watson College of Education
- Unveiled 2023

CSUSB - Judy Rodriguez Watson Collective Art Program Fellowship Fund
- Founded 2023

CSUSB - Judy Rodriguez Watson Public Art Program

- 2010 to Present

  • Art created by CSUSB Art Professors & Students

CSUSB - Philanthropic Foundation Board
- 2004 - 2019

  • Chairman 2012 – 2014

CSUSB - Children’s Fund President’s Circle
- 2013 to Present

CSUSB - President’s Showcase

CSUSB - Foundation Board of Governors
- 2009 - 2014

CSUSB - Presidents Advancement Council
- 2006 - 2009

Tools For Education Committee
- 2003

  • Jim and Judy Co-Chairs
  • J.R. Watson & Associates Development Corporation
    101 Main Street, Suite A
    Seal Beach, CA 90740
    Phone (562) 430-0503 | Fax (562) 493-5860

    © 2022 JR Watson & Associates Development Corporation. All Rights Reserved.